So the scores are on the doors for the next round of Red Planet. And as Paul Campbell points out, the entire Scribodome and its dog are through – everyone that is, except me.*
As Chester Babcock might say:
There – that feels better already.
Huge congratulations to everyone who made it through (too many to mention here, but you know who you are, you lucky swines!), and commiserations to me. I suppose I ought to start on that supernatural period piece I’ve been planning for the last couple of minutes (dystopian sci-fi being hopelessly outrĂ© this year, of course) ;-)
Ah well – time for a beer.
*And Lucy and Elinor and Rach, of course. Commiserations, guys – I feel your pain. *sob*
Navigating Loss with Jesse Eisenberg
8 hours ago
You too huh? Commiserations right back. We'll knock them dead next year with our pieces about Queen Liz 1st haunting robot families during a recession.
I know it might sound daft at the moment, but I don't think my scripts are competition pieces (not quite sure what I mean by that, I'm still thinking about it). Weirdly enough, when I'm not in 'competition mode', things go a lot, lot better.
That said, dead monarchs will probably mbe all the rage next year. I suggest we get on it straight away ;-)
Never Mind Chip.
By pure chance I happened to have a supernatural piece handy to send it - not just supernatural, but a period piece too (which apparently is the holy grail as far as this years comp was concerned).
Didn't get through though. But I refuse to give in and countenance the idea that it just wasn't up to scratch! No sir!
I blame malevolent pixies...and that will be the subject of my entry next year.
I've never come close to winning anything, Chip so know exactly how that goes. I do far better in *stuff* than *contests*. I dream too one day of making it and saying in an interview, "Of course, I made my way up the ladder, one rung at a time, no jumps..." Hell, who needs 5 grand hey?!?! Money never makes you happy... ; )
Hey Jim - glad you could make it over here to loser's corner! ;-) Bad luck with the supernatural/period piece (Lucy's blog on the subject is well worth a read I think). It's always difficult to gauge exactly what competitions look for, so I don't think it's a great disaster when scripts don't get through. Who knows what they'll be looking for next year? (malevolent pixies, I bet!)
Lucy: competitions and me get on like two cats in a sack. Nothing on last year's RP, and nothing this year. Dumped out of the BSSC in round two. I didn't even bother entering the last Kaos thing (£85 is a bit steep in my book). Hey ho. Like I said, I do pretty well outside of competitions (well, by 'pretty well' I mean I can get stuff read, get meetings and what have you). I might swear off competitions altogether next year and see how that goes...
Thanks Chip (and hello, by the way. I don't have a blog yet).
I wouldn't give up on the competition thing though - at least they give you a deadline and spur you on. That's what writers need (and will have forced on them if they're lucky enough to make it).
I read Lucy's blog on the supernatural/period thing and was entertained, informed...and depressed. I really thought I'd hit on something new :-(
Still, I reckon next year there'll be a glut of 'malevolent pixie' entries and this time I'm in at the start of the groundswell. People who don't make it will be complaining that there script never stood a chance cos it wasn't part of this trendy new 'furious fairy' fad. I'm telling you it'll be the next big genre!
Mine still won't get through though ;-)
I certainly agree about the deadline spurring one on - I'm pretty good with deadlines anyway, but it's always good to have the threat of a looming competition to focus the old grey matter...
That said, I'm seriously giving lots of thought to simply not bothering with ANY competitions next year - not through any sense of throwing my toys out of my pram, but because I'm starting to think that what I write is just not ideally suited for these comps. Maybe it's something to do with my first ten pages (slow burning doesn't really cut it, I guess), or the fact that what I'm writing is so wholly out of step with what people are looking for - I don't know. However, like Lucy, I do know that going it alone outside the usual comp routes has given me a load more opportunities...
You're not a loser, matey, it was a good solid bit of writing. I know cos I read it. So nyer.
Thanks John - yuou say the nicest things (fiver's in the post).
Good script you've got there Chip - I've just read your latest post and it sounds like you create a lot of opportunities for your work. So I'm sure you'll find another home for it.
I'm in all out panic mode trying to whip my effort into shape now..oops.
Thanks Caroline (and a temporary welcome to loser's corner, you RP winner you).
That said, I hope my comments on your first ten pages helped! If you want some additional speed comments this weekend, just let me know...
Hi Chip,
Yes, you're comments on my first 10 were very useful and I did take up at least one of your suggested changes to the structure so thanks loads for that. And thanks for the offer of a speed read this weekend - if only I'd had a readable draft! I did what I could and sent it off :)
Doh! I meant 'your' not 'you're'. I'm all written out today. Ahem.
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