Looks like poor old Blue Peter, that middle class doyen of BBC children’s programming, is in trouble again – this time it’s all down to an online poll where the wrong name had been chosen for a new cat. The Guardian reports that the name that came top was “thought to have been deemed inappropriate for a children's show”, and the name Socks was chosen. Problem is, the BBC News earlier tonight reported that the ‘inappropriate’ name was Cookie.
Uh? How the hell is ‘Cookie’ inappropriate?
Turns out this isn’t the case at all. My wife reliably informs me that the name was actually ‘Pussy’ – which is obviously a tribute to Are You Being Served?
I thought the BBC would be overjoyed at the opportunity for a little cross promotion!
Featured Friday: Cults
14 hours ago
Surely they should have named the moggy 'Rover'. Post-modern or what?
Personally, I go with imaginative names, 'Tabby', 'Ginger', 'Big Ginger', 'Billy'.... and yes, they really were a Tabby, and presently a small Ginger, a larger Ginger and, the exception, a Billy who often gets called Fluffy for somewhat obvious reasons!
Welcome back Jon!
I'm a bit more random, I'm afraid - Betty (named after an Helmet album), & Ida, after one of my aunties.
I used to have a friend who had two cats, one called 'Bug', the other 'Cat'.
I still think 'Pussy' is pretty inspired tho'. I can imagine roaming the streets shouting that if it ever got lost...
Our moggy was named Puss Puss.
Didn't Emily Lloyd's character in Wish You Were Here claim her cat was called 'up yer bum'?
It's been ages since I saw Wish You Were, but the cat's name sort of rings a bell.
Emily Lloyd - another name residing in the 'Where Are They Now' file?
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